Wep: Stormwing combined with PVP gold wep (+10.5% pvp attack), upper slots filled with attack +4, lower slots filled with crit strike +15, GS – 940 water damage 2%
PvP armor: Archon Primus Pilus gold lvl55 +10. 2 parts are filled with M. resist + 10 (all slots), 3 parts are mixed with Crit strike +12, attack +3 and attack +4. You can also check myaion for details (nick: Buffelina).
Note: in inventory you will also find 1x Elite Archon Brigade General’s Chain Breeches (lvl 55 orange pvp gear)
Headband: Horned Dragon King’s Malevite lvl55 blue (provides Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire resist +49 each)
Belt: Orange Archon Brigade General PVP belt
Necklace: Archon Primus Pilus lvl55 gold
Rings: 2x Archon Primus Pilus lvl55 gold
Earrings: 2x Debilkarim orange corrundum earrings
PvE armor: Padmarashka gold lv55 all parts available (for healing boost)
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